Aims and objectives

The aim of this resource is:

  • To provide teachers and students with an easy to access online electricity resource that covers the essential Board of Studies syllabus content relating to electricity
  • To offer guidance and support to students undertaking the mandatory Stage 4 or 5 Student Research project
  • To provide a resource that caters to the Stage 5 Skills outcomes

The objective is to support teachers with a convenient resource that allows students to:

  • Gain an increased knowledge and understanding of electricity while covering the essential Board of Studies syllabus content related to electricity
  • Focus on skills development by completing a range of first and second-hand investigations that provide the opportunity for discovery and self-guided learning
  • Gain an increased awareness of safety issues relating to the use of electricity
  • Provide access to a convenient resource to support students as they cover the Stage 5 Skills outcomes and complete a science research project


Electrical cord