
The following resources are provided within this Online Electricity Resource to assist students with their mandatory research project and to enhance their understanding of electricity.

  • Learning material and information which covers the ‘Knowledge and Understanding’ content in the NSW Stage 4/5 Science syllabus that relates directly to electricity
  • Electricity safety material – features throughout the topics on the site and there is also a ‘safety considerations’ section
  • Visual support and animations – these help reinforce the scientific principles being studied
  • Simple experiments – these allow students to conduct first-hand investigations of the scientific principles being studied in each topic. The Learning Object Ohm Zone allows many of the experiments to be conducted online. This is an excellent learning object that contains a large number of guided experiments for students and includes the collection of quantitative data. This would be useful for gifted students to explore.
  • Interactive learning objects – these activities allow students to further explore each topic. For more information on the interactive learning objects, you can view the interactive learning guide. The Learning Object at the Power House is an excellent way to introduce ideas on energy conservation and the cost of using electrical energy. Students are able to examine the energy use of common household items.
  • Research project guide – included on the site is a comprehensive guide outlining ‘how’ to conduct a Research project and it offers tips on how to choose a topic, design an experiment, conduct an investigation and then effectively communicate the experimental findings
  • Short video clip case studies and interviews – students share their experiences and tips for other students who may be doing a research project. Teachers can also view strategies from other teachers to increase motivation and enthusiasm for completing a science research project.

Useful Links

Additional quizzes and worksheets

Ausgrid’s Stage 3 Electricity Resources 


Electrical cord